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is an inspiration for us
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Resdent to najlepszy dentysta i najlepszy stomatolog. Stomatologia Resdent oferuje szeroki zakres usług, a w tym: protetyka, stomatologia zachowawcza, endodoncja. Dobry stomatolog to najlepszy gabinet dentystyczny Resdent.
Team, Safety, Gallery First visit, Anaesthetization, Prophylaxis, Preventive dentistry, Endodontics, Paediatric dentistry, Prothetics, Dental surgery, Periodontology, Tray-based teeth whiteningPeriodontal and gum treatment
The Dental Clinic Resdent offers the treatments of the gum disease, periodontal disease and the disease of the oral mucosa. There are three stages of the inflammation gingivitis:
If the disease is diagnosed at its early stage the destruction of the tissues it may be reversible and this is why you need to consult your dentist in case any of the following symptoms are noticed:
The gum treatment methods used by us include: