Your dream about beautiful smile
is an inspiration for us
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Resdent to najlepszy dentysta i najlepszy stomatolog. Stomatologia Resdent oferuje szeroki zakres usług, a w tym: protetyka, stomatologia zachowawcza, endodoncja. Dobry stomatolog to najlepszy gabinet dentystyczny Resdent.
Team, Safety, Gallery First visit, Anaesthetization, Prophylaxis, Preventive dentistry, Endodontics, Paediatric dentistry, Prothetics, Dental surgery, Periodontology, Tray-based teeth whiteningIn order to have a beautiful smile you need to maintain regular, oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing your teeth every day, using and oral rinse may, however, not suffice. Thus, to maintain the optimum oral health it is important to visit your dentist regularly and have the checkups of the state of dentition.
The Dental Clinic Resdent is equipped in the devices which make it possible to carry out the following medical treatments in a way that is comfortable for the patient:
Air polishing
The treatment of air polishing allows us to remove the dental plaque and discolorations caused, among others, by smoking, drinking coffee, tea and other liquids. Depending on the dental status, the treatment is to be carried out every few months. Air polishing is carried out with the aid of special apparatus which releases a mixture under big pressure that effectively removes the dental plaque from the dental enamel. Air polishing is also used as a preparatory treatment for teeth whitening.
Scaling is the treatment that is necessary to maintain hygiene and aesthetics of the oral cavity. It should be carried out 1-2 times a year. In case the patient suffers from gingivitis – even 3-6 times a year. Removing calculus at its early stage protects teeth against further exposure of the tooth necks, which is the reason why scaling is recommended to those patients who are prone to periodontitis.
Fluoridation is recommended after professional teeth brushing. It makes teeth stronger and improves our immunity to dental caries. Professional fluoridation is carried out at least twice a year.
Tooth sealing
This treatment consists in filling in the cracks on the tooth surface with the use of the light-cured materia including fluorine compound. Tooth sealing eliminates the risk of bacteria development in the spaces that are difficult to access and decreases the risk of developing dental caries. To increase its effectiveness this treatment should be carried out possibly early, optimally to children aged 6-8. Properly applied dental sealant remains on the tooth surface for a few years. It needs, however, periodical control.